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07 October 2010

Choosing Enmity

You shall love your neighbor as your self.
Who is my neighbor?
Let me tell you a story... Who was the neighbor to the man in need? Go and do like wise.

Pray for your enemies.
Who are my enemies? How did they become my enemies?
Is enmity a choice? What choices did I make? What choices did they make?

As much as lies within you live at peace with all people.
How do I do that when others are choosing the path of enmity daily?

I don't want my enemies to be my footstools. I don't want them to be humiliated. I just don't want enemies.

Is there anything I can do to help someone else choose peace and reconciliation?

One thing I have learned is that forgiveness does get easier when it is repeated on a daily basis for daily offenses.

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