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21 May 2012

I Might Be Crazy

I have taken on a monstrous preaching schedule for the next two months: At least one sermon every Sunday, often two and saying Masses too. Now I know that full-time clergy do this all the time. But I have a full time job. And I am grading papers and writing my book and normally would preach mo more that a couple times a week. But I felt honor-bound to help a colleague fill his pulpit with a continuing presence during his sabbatical since the diocese helped me during mine.
I preached today - joyfully off-lectionary at a Baptist church and will have next Sunday off and then off to the races. I have charted out the texts and have figured out what I'm preaching for the month of June. I'm hoping to be able to produce a full-length manuscript each week, although when I was a congregational pastor I quickly slid into preaching from notes. But I am not the pastor this time. There is someone else responsible for pastor care and the administration of the church.
So I might be crazy but I think it is important for me to stretch myself in my vocation.
I so I will draw deep from the well of my ancestors.
...Listening for the rumble and praying to bring the thunder...

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